Discover Areas of Support
Everything we do is in support of families. Learn about our core initiatives and how you can help move families forward.
Areas of Support
Everything we do is in support of families. Learn about our core initiatives and how you can help move families forward.
How Your Support Helps Families:

Where it's Needed Most: Our Annual Fund
Ackerman's Annual Fund provides vital support to everything we do to help children and families. This fund makes it possible to operate our clinic and support groups, therapist training programs, and research initiatives. Your donation brings support to where it is needed most.

Treat Families in Need
Each year, we treat hundreds of families no matter their ability to pay. In fact, we cover nearly 50% of all costs for families seeking treatment. Support to our clinic provides financial aid for critical mental health services, helps us to hire more clinicians, and makes family therapy possible for families in need.

Train Leaders in Family Therapy
Support for our training programs creates scholarships for family therapists-in-training; helps increase the number of therapists of color through our Social Work & Diversity Program, and funds our public lecture series that makes family therapy learning available to everyone.

Make Advances with Research
Ackerman leads the field of family therapy through the research initiatives of our projects and centers. Our therapists who provide specialized treatment to families forge the way to solve today’s most complex mental health challenges. Supporting our research helps find new ways to heal families.

Our Annual Impact:
How You Can Help:
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Make a Donation
Support the Ackerman Institute's mission by making a gift. Give online today.