Ackerman and the Gender & Family Project Stand with Transgender Youth and Families

The Ackerman Institute and the Gender & Family Project (GFP) condemn the suggestion that gender should be narrowly defined as genetic sex only. Gender has always been and will always be self-determined is not restricted by a binary. Ackerman and GFP also stand with our intersex community. We know that biological sex is not limited to two options of male or female.
The government cannot erase the transgender community and will not dehumanize transgender children and adults under the watch of their fiercely loving and protective families.
Despite the terrifying news from Washington, the authenticity and well being of your transgender and gender expansive children are protected by lower court rulings and by the fact that the last administration’s inclusive definition of gender still applies to civil rights law. New York State and New Jersey have explicit laws protecting transgender students that cannot be undone by this proposed federal rule change. New York City has been proactive in enacting policies that specifically protect and affirm gender expression and identity under the law.
GFP will be organizing a webinar panel in a couple of weeks to answer the legal and advocacy questions you might have. .
For more information about your rights and protections please visit:

Scapegoating and intimidation are strategies to undermine, fatigue and divide our communities. GFP as a community will continue to empower, support, and celebrate our youth and families. Know that you are not alone. Let your child know that thousands of community members and allies have their back. Together we stand stronger than ever.
We stand for kindness and acceptance because we know that Acceptance Is Protection.
In solidarity,
The Ackerman Institute for the Family and the GFP Team

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