Expired Attachment-Based Family Therapy for Sexual and Gender Minority Young Adults and their Nonaccepting Parents

Attachment-based family therapy for sexual and gender minority young adults and their nonaccepting parents (ABFT-SGM) is designed to promote parental acceptance of their LGBTQ+ young adult and improve the quality of the young adult-parent relationship.

The model is time limited, emotion-focused and experiential and is the first to have empirical support for its efficacy. This workshop will present the theoretical basis of the model, describe the five tasks involved in the treatment, use clinical vignettes and videotape recording to demonstrate the therapy process and present outcome and process from research on the treatment.

Learning Objectives:

  • To learn about parental rejection and acceptance during young adulthood, and its impact on the welfare of the young adult and the young adult-parent relationship
  • To learn the five tasks of the treatment model
  • To learn the essential components of successful corrective attachment episodes


Gary M. Diamond, PhD is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at Ben-Gurion University in Israel. He is a licensed clinical psychologist and family therapist, as well as the director and chief psychologist at the Ben-Gurion University Community Clinic. He is one of the primary developers of attachment-based family therapy (ABFT) and co-authored the book Attachment-Based Family Therapy for Depressed Adolescents with Drs. Guy S. Diamond and Suzanne Levy. He is also the author, along with Dr. Rotem Boruchovitz-Zamir, of the recently published book Attachment-Based Family Therapy for Sexual and Gender Minority Young Adults and their Nonaccepting Parents. He trains people internationally in ABFT for sexual and gender minority adolescents and young adults.

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  • Attachment-Based Family Therapy for Sexual and Gender Minority Young Adults and their Nonaccepting Parents
     September 22, 2023
     10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Gary M. Diamond, PhD

3 CE Contact Hours

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