This workshop is an introduction to the Reflective Group Supervision (RGS) Model that was developed out of the Center for Developing Child and Family at the Ackerman Institute. This model rests on the foundation provided by the Ackerman Relational Approach through a social justice lens as well as individual reflective supervision practices, trauma-informed, emotion-focused, and attachment-based therapies.
RGS is an innovative approach to supervision and consultation that supports clinicians and other helping professionals in understanding client needs through a lens of curiosity, non-judgment, and empathy. It is a collaborative process that guides clinicians to reflect on their own experiences in their work and then to address the clinical needs of individuals and their families. In RGS, we create moments of bonding, enabling participants to become more reachable, responsive, and engaged. This provides the foundation for going deeper, being open to new ideas, and taking the risk to imagine new possibilities, while developing new skills that enhance confidence and effectiveness.
The questions posed will be:
- What is a reflective practice?
- How do I bring this into my clinical work?
- How do I bring this into my supervision?
Learning Objectives:
- To develop a conceptual understanding of the Center for Developing Child and Family’s Reflective Practice and Group Supervision Model
- To introduce the importance of utilizing social location and self of the therapist in clinical practice and supervision
- To understand how using the parallel process opens dialogs around social location and race/culture
Christine Reynolds, LCSW is the developer of the Reflective Group Supervision Model and a founding faculty member of the Institute’s Center for the Developing Child and Family where she consults and provides training on working with families with young children. Ms. Reynolds has over 25 years of postgraduate clinical and consulting experience in child welfare, home-based family therapy, community mental health, early childhood, and private practice in both rural and urban environments. RGS has been selected as a Frontiers of Innovation portfolio project at Harvard’s Center on the Developing Child. Additionally, Ms. Reynolds maintains a private practice in Manhattan specializing in families, couples, and children.
September 17, 2021
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Christine Reynolds, LCSW
2 CE Contact Hours