Upcoming Mono/Poly: Serving Clients in Mixed-Orientation Relationships [Online]

Do you have clients who are in a relationship in which one of them wants exclusivity and another wants an open relationship? This challenging situation is arising more often now that consensual nonmonogamies have become increasingly popular.

In this workshop Dr. Sheff will begin by introducing the most common types of consensual nonmonogamies (CNM), distinguish CNM from cheating, chart the rise of mono/poly relationships, and explain how multiplicity or exclusivity can be orientations for some people. Next, Dr. Sheff will identify the common dynamics that occur within mono/poly relationships and explore the impacts that this can have on clients at the relationship and individual level.

Finally, this workshop will detail what can facilitate the ongoing connection between those who want exclusivity and others who want an open relationship, and when a mixed-dynamic relationship is unlikely to work out for the folks involved. Participants will have a chance to join break-out rooms to discuss orientation and a case study, as well as ask questions of Dr. Sheff.

Learning Objectives:

  • To define consensual non-monogamies and distinguish them from non-consensual non monogamy/cheating
  • To explain the concept of multiplicity and exclusivity as ends of an orientation spectrum
  • To identify the elements of a relationship that predispose it to work well for individuals with differing orientations, and which elements predispose it to malfunction for one or more members of the relationship


With more than 25 years researching consensual nonmonogamies, Dr. Eli Sheff, PhD, CSE is the foremost academic expert on polyamorous families with children. Dr. Sheff has a PhD in sociology and is a Certified Sexuality Educator who has written four books and 30+ academic articles on CNM and BDSM/kinky sex. She serves as a relationship coach, educator, and expert witness. CNM is not for everyone, and Dr. Sheff can help people understand how it can work and why, and when it is a bad idea. She has appeared on hundreds of podcasts, television shows, and media interviews with outlets from NPR, National Geographic, and the New York Times to Cosmopolitan and Savage Love. Dr. Eli blogs for Psychology Today and always wants to make friends with dogs.

AASECT Continuing Education Information

This program meets the requirements of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) and is approved for 3 CE credits. These CE credits may be applied toward AASECT certification and renewal of certification. Completion of this program does not ensure or guarantee AASECT certification. For further information please contact info@assect.org.

Return to Workshops

  • Mono/Poly: Serving Clients in Mixed-Orientation Relationships
     May 16, 2025
     1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Elisabeth “Eli” Sheff, PhD, CSE

3 CE Contact Hours


Details Price Qty
Tuition $125.00 USD  

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