Statement on the Conflict in Israel and Gaza

We are horrified and heartbroken by the violence against children and families in Israel and Gaza, and we denounce the atrocities inflicted by Hamas that have caused widespread fear, pain, and death. These acts will not result in liberation, but in more hate and more lives lost. There is never justification for terrorism and it must end.

We support all who are grieving family members and loved ones, who have been killed, lost or are missing, and those who are fearful of retaliation in the U.S. and abroad. We, as a mental health organization, are attuned to how these traumas will affect families and survivors for years to come. We hope that all participants in this conflict and any who become involved in the aftermath remember the importance of mental health care and counseling, which we hope lessens the odds of hate continuing to blossom in this part of the world. Our therapists at Ackerman Institute for the Family are available to all who need help processing this traumatic event, and we continue to hope for a humane resolution.

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